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Ship's Log
What follows is the archival record of six Instagram posts made for a takeover in May 2020 on @creeksideartists. ++ship's log 1++ ....
Creatures of the hearth and home
What follows is the archival record of six Instagram posts made for a takeover in April 2020 on @multi_species_. Y TYLWTH TEG . There's...
Art world economics and spiritual transcendence in Zima Blue
The following is a paper I gave at Productive Futures: The Political Economy of Science Fiction held at Birkbeck, University of London,...
Mind Made World: Transcending past and future through experience of bardo
The following is a paper I gave at Life in the Glasshouse: Splintered Memories, held at Birkbeck, University of London, in March 2019....
The unreality of reality: looking for a metaphysical basis for fantastical SF in the Buddhist canon.
The following is a paper I gave at the Sublime Cognition: Science Fiction and Metaphysics conference at Birkbeck, University of London,...
A Kenyan non-odyssey: Community and the Ogham alphabet
The first part of 2018 contains one of the strangest non-events of my life thus far. In December a lady called Sarah who manages an arts...
Continuity, discontinuity
This text was originally published in Two Essays to accompany the exhibition Teo and Kai, The Rond at Luna Elaine (2018). “He had for a...
Teo and Kai, The Rond
This text was originally published in Two Essays to accompany the exhibition Teo and Kai, The Rond at Luna Elaine (2018). In April 2017,...
Press release for Dressing up Bars
Dressing up Bars occurs at the completion of my six month residency as part of the Continuum programme here at Husk. In May last year I...
Hinterland Shift - Part Three of Nine
Hinterland Shift is serial short story, written out of sequence, for Living in the Future magazine. This issue was published July 2015....
Hinterland Shift - Part Five of Nine
Hinterland Shift is serial short story, written out of sequence, for Living in the Future magazine. This issue was published July 2014....
Wilderness and Mind
ONE First we see the desert. The fast moving shadow of cloud blackens the frame. Further slow pans across the landscape; the ground is...
Valentine's Day Address
ONE People are exceptionally dressed. The menu is extremely expensive. It is midday. Somehow we are aware we are in a close future...
Hinterland Shift - Part One of Nine
Hinterland Shift is serial short story, written out of sequence, for Living in the Future magazine. This issue was published February...
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