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Poetry and Mind: detaching the finger from the moon
The following is a paper I gave at Corroding the Now: Poetry + Science/SF held at Birkbeck, University of London, in April 2019. The call...

Mind Made World: Transcending past and future through experience of bardo
The following is a paper I gave at Life in the Glasshouse: Splintered Memories, held at Birkbeck, University of London, in March 2019....

The unreality of reality: looking for a metaphysical basis for fantastical SF in the Buddhist canon.
The following is a paper I gave at the Sublime Cognition: Science Fiction and Metaphysics conference at Birkbeck, University of London,...

Places that harboured me: Karma Dechen Choling, New Inn
Between 2007 and 2013 I spent two and a half years in solitary retreats practising the meditation instructions I had received from my...

FAB ad
This FAB advert appeared on one of the billboards on my street. The faces are startling and dreadful - transfixed by the lollies they...

Places that harboured me: Tashi Ding
Between 2007 and 2013 I spent two and a half years in solitary retreats practising the meditation instructions I had received from my...

Places that harboured me: Tso Pema Lotus Lake
Between 2007 and 2013 I spent two and a half years in solitary retreats practising the meditation instructions I had received from my...

Wet radishes, free things still happen
“At some point today, standing or sitting, cover or have your ears covered with your or their fingers. Set timer for 3 minutes. Press...

Places that harboured me: Asura Cave Gompa
Between 2007 and 2013 I spent two and a half years in solitary retreats practising the meditation instructions I had received from my...

Places that harboured me: The Hermitage of the Awakened Heart
Between 2007 and 2013 I spent two and a half years in solitary retreats practising the meditation instructions I had received from my...

Wilderness and Mind
ONE First we see the desert. The fast moving shadow of cloud blackens the frame. Further slow pans across the landscape; the ground is...

Pilgrim Age
This is a slightly edited version of a text originally written for Pilgrim Age Showcase and Publication HIAS 2014. Suffering is the...
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